Privacy policy

Information on the protection of personal data

Dear customer,
this document sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, will be processed by us. By using our site, you indicate that you accept this privacy policy. Please do not use our site if you do not agree to this privacy policy.

Wish Sicily owned by Support Sicily S.r.l ("we", "us") is registered in Italy, VAT Number IT06182930823. Our registered office is Via Uditore 11/H, 90145 Palermo.

We treat the personal information of site users with the utmost respect and confidentiality and take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is stored securely and accurately. If you have any queries or comments about the policy or our use of your personal information, please get in touch with us by emailing us at

In general, we use the information we collect about you to help our Advertisers provide accommodation solutions to users of our site, provide information services to relevant third parties, improve the features and services we offer and support our own marketing and promotion efforts.

When you visit, register or use the services on our site, you may be asked to provide certain information about yourself, including your name and your contact details. Advertisers can update their information and change settings on their 'My Account' page once signed in. We may collect information about your use of our site as well as information about you from the emails or letters sent to you. We may collect information about your property and the type of property you wish to rent. Where you use PayPal or another payment solution, you agree that we may share data about you with PayPal/the other provider and vice versa in order to facilitate or assess your use of the online payment platform or for other internal purposes. Such data may include details of enquiries, bookings, transactions, refunds, chargebacks or other claims or events relating to advertisements and/or payments. Where you request our photo shooting service, you agree that we may provide your contact information to our photographer for the purpose of scheduling a visit to your property.

Your information will enable us to provide you with access to all parts of our site and to supply the services and features that you have requested. We may aggregate the information to identify patterns which we can use in our marketing and to help us develop, administer, support and improve our services and features.

In particular, we may use your information to contact you for your views on our services and to notify you occasionally about important changes or developments to our site or our services. Further, where you have consented, we might also use your information to email you with details about any other products or services which we offer which may be of interest to you. If you change your mind about being contacted in the future, please email us.

We follow strict security procedures to ensure that your personal information is not damaged, destroyed, or disclosed to a third party without your permission and to prevent unauthorised access to it. The computers that store the information are kept in a secure facility with restricted physical access and we use secure firewalls and other measures to restrict electronic access.

We reserve the right to use and share information concerning our Advertisers, including your IP address, with law enforcement authorities and/or other companies in the same industry as Support Sicily S.r.l for the purpose of fraud prevention and to disclose your information to any new owner or partner should we enter into a sale/merger with another business entity.

GDPR update 25th May 2018 >>

Information relating to the use of cookies (Provvedimento del Garante della Privacy 229/2014)

This site exchanges small text files called cookies with the visitor's device.

A first distinction is made between "technical cookies" and "profiling cookies".

Technical cookies

They are further distinguished in:

  • First-party cookies : these cookies are used exclusively to ensure the normal navigability of the site. They transit exclusively between the server and the user's device. They do not record sensitive data, their content is not disclosed to third parties and their stay on the device varies from the simple duration of the browsing session to a maximum of 365 days.
  • Google Analytics cookies : these cookies are integral to the functioning of Google Analytics, a system of statistics on site visitors. They transit between Google's servers and the user's device. By practice, they fall within the category of technical cookies, given the fact that the Google Analytics service is specifically configured to anonymize the user's IP address and not to intreract with other Google services. For information on stored data, parties involved and storage times, please refer to cookie policy from Google.

Profiling cookies

Third parties which the site relies on to provide specific services may install, in a way that cannot be controlled by the site manager, cookies that track the behavior and choices of users while browsing, in order to show them personalized advertisements.

All major browsers offer the possibility of removing stored cookies: for more information, please refer to the site All About Cookies.

Click here to change your consent regarding cookies installed by this site.