Flexible changeover day

more flexibility in choosing the day to open up your Sicily holiday villas to overlook a new market.

Most of villas and holiday homes’ owners in Sicily prefer to have the so-called “changeover day” (the day of check in/out) on a fixed day of the week, that is to say Saturday, and specially during summer months.

However, since a growing number of holidaymakers choose short and/or midweek sojourns, having more flexibility on the day of check-in/out could certainly represent a benefit.

Undoubtedly, if your choice of changeover day is dictated by business and time necessities, this topic may not be of your interest. On the other hand, if you have more flexibility in choosing the day to open up your holiday home to incoming guests, you’ll overlook a completely new market.

Let's find out what benefits a flexible changeover day may represent:

  • The traditional booking from Saturday to Saturday or from Sunday to Sunday is no longer every renter’s first choice. A growing number of travelers tends to go for short breaks, midweek stays or long weekends. Having a flexible changeover day will lead this big chunk of the market to choose your villa in Sicily instead of other options, sometimes more competitive in terms of price and location.
  • If you don’t find any particular problem in renting out with a fixed changeover day during high season, but you realize you do not get the same results during low seasons, having a flexible changeover day will help you to maximize the arrivals, therefore to increase your revenue on an annual basis.
  • Major airlines are unlikely to offer affordable rates on weekends, on the contrary these tend to increase prices over the weekend. Tourists travelling on a restricted budget tend to look for flights to Sicily during low season, in the middle of the week, that is to say when it’s more affordable.
  • Low-cost airlines, as well as those that encourage a big foreign tourist flow to Sicily (such as Ryanair and Easy Jet), tend to offer the most competitive rates on midweek flights.
  • Tourists traveling without school-age children prefer to travel during the week, thus taking advantage of quiet roads and cheaper air fares.
  • Finally, your villa in Sicily will benefit of a greater visibility on Wish Sicily when included in the catalog “Villas in Sicily with flexible change over day”. 

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