Posts Tagged“Sicilian cusine”

Food and pastry. Cannoli from Sicily

Focus on Sicilian food We’re frequently asked how Sicilian food differs from the rest of Italy and what makes our cuisine so unique. After all, we too eat pizza and pasta and demolish huge quantities of gelato! In fact every region of Italy has its own distinctive cuisine but this is particularly noticeable in Sicily where our daily diet is an extraordinary legacy of the island’s history, resulting in a dazzling combination of flavours. Add to that a mix of ingredients that have been enriched by the Sicilian sun and our steadfast commitment to so called ‘cibo chilometri zero’, that…


Take a mouth-watering culinary journey in Sicily Spend any length of time in Sicily and you quickly realise that no milestone passes without a substantial feast … and what a feast!  Sicilian cuisine wisely makes the most of what nature throws its way, packed with flavour-busting vegetables, fresh fish, and dishes and delicacies crammed with home-grown almonds and pistachios. Yet it’s also a cuisine that draws on its multi-layered history and so, in common with all Italian regions, has its own set of very unique flavours, traditions and recipes.  In Sicily, for example, you may find yourself starting the day…